Monday, June 15, 2009

Monday Group Session

Today we had yet another group meeting to share our problems and progression. Problems were texturing, and flashy textures, which all became resolved after an hour or so. I soon got to work on creating glass and texturing them, a little bit of experimentation is needed with glass to get the right tint, going for a mid blue colour. Whilst Swati is working on updating the team journal and creating lightings, Jackey figuring out how doors work and operate within Crysis, Wirada is finding textures for fittings such as doors.

Glass is not as simple as it seems, it takes a while getting a perfect fit into the window frames, I think our overall building texture looks really nice, very similar to the conceptual renders that were provided. We managed to get the two views (requested by Jeremy) of the conceptual renders. Swati is now working on lighting, I'm just hoping that the lighting doesn't slow down our map as it did before in the week 8 fabrication, this caused a major problem as it made the map very laggy and you could not navigate your way through the map properly. After shes done ill put in the water for the well and private swimming pool, and create the fish tanks that will be hung off the inner walls of the well, hopefully if all goes well the only thing we have to do tomorrow is A.I, the presentation room, reference materials, objects, and the video scenes.

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