Below is a link to download the final version of Well City.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Project "Well City"
Below is a link to download the final version of Well City.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Fixing Well City
The images below displays the process of fixing up well city.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Final Post – Contribution & Collaboration
As time progressed further into due dates you can see which individual of the team really put an effort to what they do and the amount of quality. When we had a group discussion on who was going to do what, I choose to build the entire model with the kitchen which was done in Revit. Working out the room layouts took a while to do, as some spaces of the building were not clearly defined.The ramp area took a while to figure out, but the most important thing to me was to try and get those two conceptual perceptive views provided by the architects. As the end result I think the two views we had looked really similar.
Whilst I was working on the building Jackey was working on the terrain for the placement of the building. The model was then handed to Wirada for placement of furniture and textures of the building. I helped Wirada out on the ideas of textures in building, the final texture of the building was chosen by myself, it was a standard texture in sketch up which I adjusted the colour so it would look similar to the conceptual design, I also suggested using white window frames just to keep similarities. Another one of my tasks was water, I created the pool area using water volumes in Crysis and added a water type texture to it.
I then added windows to the building, when re-building the model, windows were taken into consideration for two reasons, one was lighting issues, and the other was to have a visual relationship between the exterior and interior spaces. Fish tanks was a main feature of our fabrication, this was a must have as the tanks resembles life within the well and gives it a different experience. I also had to redo the entire lighting of the building, as the previous one the colour of the lights were not adjusted, they were just basically default lighting placed onto the map with no further adjustments. I also contributed to the team blog with some of the weekly updates. Throughout the weeks our team was constantly giving each other feedback on individual’s thoughts and inputs into the fabrication, this is important to having a better outcome.
In conclusion this course was a great learning experience, real-time environment is not only fun to do but I think it will one day become the standard of presenting your works to a client. Collaboration was the main key area of focus; all those twelve collaboration topics we talked about were all experienced by each team in some way. Working with my team was cool; (they were all new to me) we had good times working with one another, it’s good to know that you can still have a bit of a laugh now and then, but when it comes down to getting serious work done, we get it done. From this real-time experience, at this moment in time I think I'll be definitely be using Crysis for my graduation project.
I would like to thank my group members for their efforts and contribution, and Jeremy and Graham for their support and guidance.
Final Presentation
When our group went up to present, their was a major problem which was the flashy lights. This problem caused everything to lag dramatically, and the viewers were getting quite annoyed. Lucky Jeremy seen the photos we posted up before hand, which proved that we didn't have the problem before and that the lighting went pretty well. Either than that I guess every else went pretty smoothly. If I get time I'll probably go through and try find out what is causing the flashy effects and lag, cause it is really annoying to have, especially when you work on a project so long and hard and the outcome is not what you expected.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
More Image Captures
The ramp gallery. Having windows helped provide natural lighting to these spaces that would of been dark in the original design.
Entry, living room and dining room.
View of the well area and the fish tanks that are hung within the walls.
External night view of the exterior.
Another external capture.
Last Group Session
After I fixed the texturing problems, Wirada started to work on AI within the environment, the AI used is pretty good, she used some smart objects which made the AI do all sorts of actions such as sitting down. Jackie then finished placing doors within the building. I started to work on re-doing the lighting, at first I set all the objects to cast shadows, I added simple lights and adjusted the colour of the lighting to orange, this made the building feel more warm and welcoming. The light's colour multiplier adjusts the intensity of the lights, this setting had to be carefully adjusted, upping this value too much could over brighten the rooms. My team mates and I were really impressed by the lighting, I never thought I could get the perfect setting on the first few go's of trying.
Then disaster strikes, the screen froze, had the blue screen pop up, then restarted. Our work was all on the primary drives, which we all know cleans out every time you restart, so we are now delayed a few hours back, so tragic. I'm really feeling on the down low right now.
I finally finished re-doing what we lost, which was, placing the fish tanks, and lightnings. Lighting then became a problem, problem was I couldn't get that cool light setting I had before, I got it quite similar but not as wow as before. I think it wasn't as good as before because the first time we saw it was also the first time experiencing lights. Anyhow the end results are shown in the images below. (Please note that the images shown are taking during the night)
Lighting in the top floor bedroom.
On top of the building, looking down into the well.
Master bedroom.
Another bedroom.
Dining and living room.
Pool area.
I quickly checked the placement of the glass to the window frames, all good. I had to leave so I reminded Jackie and Wirada the tasks left which needs to be done, the presentation room, fixing up the flashy elements within the building, adding doors and AI again, put in lighting fixtures so it doesn't look like nothing is lighting up the rooms. Once these tasks are done the building is going to be grouped into one object, holes have to be made on the land for the building to sit in. The placement of the well buildings are up to Jackie and Wirada.
Hopefully all goes to plan.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Fish Tanks
Below are images of my progress to completion.
The shape of the tank.
Testing out the water inside the fish tank.
Another view of the final tank form.
Swimming inside the tank, which has vegetation.
Placement of the fish tanks in the pool area of the building.
Windows Windows Windows
Every window had to be re-scaled and put into place properly so that the glass sits in the middle of the frames. This process may seem simple to do, but its very time consuming. Glass textures were then added to the solids, a problem then came up, some windows did not shatter as they were set to do. To resolve this problem the only thing I could think of was to copy and paste the other windows that did shatter.
The windows were now done, I have two different textures for the windows. The upper glazing is more darker than the one below it. Right now I'm just trying to get everything to look as close as possible to the two perspectives provided from the conceptual drawings.
Below are images showing my progression.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Monday Group Session
Glass is not as simple as it seems, it takes a while getting a perfect fit into the window frames, I think our overall building texture looks really nice, very similar to the conceptual renders that were provided. We managed to get the two views (requested by Jeremy) of the conceptual renders. Swati is now working on lighting, I'm just hoping that the lighting doesn't slow down our map as it did before in the week 8 fabrication, this caused a major problem as it made the map very laggy and you could not navigate your way through the map properly. After shes done ill put in the water for the well and private swimming pool, and create the fish tanks that will be hung off the inner walls of the well, hopefully if all goes well the only thing we have to do tomorrow is A.I, the presentation room, reference materials, objects, and the video scenes.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Advanced Level Specialisation
Source: Hud View2, Crymod,, (Date Accessed 14th June 2009)
Source: Javelin Hud Test, Youtube,, (Date Accessed 14th June 2009)
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Modding a HUD - Another Attempt
The images below shows my progression.
During the tutorial it states that doing the C++ is not necessary and the HUD "should" still work, unfortunately for me it doesn't. So after editing all the text to dynamic, you save then export the file, then create the Mods folder within the Crysis directory, rename the file to .gfx. You then now have to find the sdk file, in which after doing some research I found out that you need to download a program called Mod SDK, installing this program failed on me.
Above: The error when trying to install MOD SDK
But if you do happen to get it working and open up the SDK file, you then can go through find and edit the C++ as shown in the pictures in the tutorial. I'm still not quite sure on how to launch the MOD, the picture belows shows an external program used to quickly launch the mod, it could be MOD SDK. Anyhow the flash file should be saved into the directory Crysis/Mods/MyMod/Game/Libs/UI
Friday, June 12, 2009
Group Session
Above: The texture I have chosen for the walls throughout the building, the above walls (purple, orange) was the textures before, which will be changed.
Above: I'm hoping if we get enough time that this is what the theme of our kitchen will look like, personally I think it will match up, as our building has light coloured walls, and white window frames.
I'm choosing themes for rooms because on the old fabrication colours did not match up really well, having a set theme or style throughout the building will create consistency for the eye, also rooms would not have a dramatic change when entered.
I started looking at the "how to create a fish tank" tutorial by Allan. The tutorial is useful but I'm having a bit of trouble on the fish appearing. All our team is waiting on now is the building and furniture to be textured and imported into Crysis so we can place it on our modified terrain.
Source: Kitchen View, Momoy,, (Date Accessed 12th June 2009)
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Final Building Form (Process & Development)
The tutors suggested having windows around the exterior of the building, as it will give a visual relationship between the two spaces, and since there will be some sort of scenery I think its more of a reason to do so. As the building is resized smaller, natural lighting then will become an issue, but having windows around the exterior of the building hopefully will light up the ramp corridors and some of the living spaces.
View of the front of the building, these windows will provide more natural sunlight to the building and also for some rooms will provide a view to the outside environment. Hopefully the ramp corridors gets lit up well during the night.
Back and side view of the building, take note that under the last window, that's where the ground will be, so everything under that point will be underground much like a well.
The model completed with the roof, doors and glass have to be removed from the model, as they are to be added when imported into Sandbox 2.
Ground floor level, you can see around the building it has an offset of walls which are the ramp corridors, main stair way is located on the right, living room and dining area are up top, down below the two rooms are night zones, and kitchen and bathroom to the left.
Top right study room, top and bottom left are night zones (bedrooms) with bathrooms, bottom right is another living area.
This is the pool level, main swimming pool is located in the centre, whilst there a more private swimming pool is located to the top, the left side is a living space, and bottom is a shallow swimming area. Ramp access is located to the left where the double door swings are seen.
3D view of the ramp corridors (wall has been hidden), you can see the windows that hopefully will provide natural sunlight into the interior, and ramp corridor.
The two circles show similarities, the left image is a bit off angle. But whilst in the Crysis game it would look very similar indeed.
Pointing out the ramp corridor spaces and how the windows were used to provide lighting into these dark spaces.
This is a snap I took when I imported the model into sketch up, you could see it looks similar to the conceptual perspective, just that the glass isn't see through, and my model doesn't show the fish tanks,textures and water.