Monday, May 4, 2009

Collaboration Topics Round 3


Planning is a process of thinking about the activities required to create a desired goal on some scale. Planning involves thinking for the future, therefore managing and preparing for the outcomes.
Why is Planning Important
One of the best ways to developing strong ways of winning is from planning.

  • Planning is leveraged time. For example, planning 30 minutes per day can greatly improve your productivity. Having time to plan will pay off in the future, it will help you make sure that you are keeping in track with your goals and you can ensure that you become more task oriented. In an collaborative environment by simply taking 10-20 minutes to run through your objectives and outcomes, you are more likely to achieve them and not get side tracked.

  • Planning provides the framework for informed decision making. By planning what you are going to do you will be establishing a framework and will be able to tick off items from your "to do" list as you go along. This is an extremely effective way to manage any tasks that you have.

  • Planning reduces crisis management. If you plan accordingly there is a lower chance of any issues to occur. But it is also important to be prepared for unforeseen situations which may occur, so it is vital to be prepared to plan again when a situation happens.

  • Planning helps to eliminate bad habits, and fear of failure.Planning allows you to set priorities and focus on what is important.

Effective planning everyday in any sort of situation will have a major impact on breaking bad habits individuals may have, and it shall lead to successful task management.

Reference : Willis. J, Why is planning important, Article Ally, accessed 4 May 2009,

Source: People planning, Team Works,, (Date Accessed 4th April 2009)

Source: Planning Pencil, Despair,, (Date Accessed 4th April 2009)

This is the payment or compensation that is received from services or employment. This is the base salary, but may also include any received bonuses or other payments received.
Remuneration in an collaborative environment, gives each individual a goal to work to as they know the outcome of pay, therefore it motivates the group to complete their set tasks to the best of their ability. The remuneration reward attracts the individuals, that is why it is important in an collaborative environment as it tends to motivate them to work towards the set goals which they know that they will get paid off well doing so.

Reference: Wikipedia, Remuneration, accessed on 4th May 2009,

Source: Money, BullDog Blog,, (Date Accessed on 4th May 2009)

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